I'm ready to Lean Into the Class War Let's Go!.

Class Warfare 101.

Engage in the Class War to save American Democracy!

Cover Image for Engage in the Class War to save American Democracy!
Middle Class Warrior
Middle Class Warrior

Our Democracy demands that we engage in this Class War

The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence begins:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...”

This phrase has guided our democracy, and each new generation is both blessed and burdened by it. We're blessed with freedom and the opportunity to pursue our dreams, but also burdened with the responsibility to fulfill our potential and uphold this promise for future generations.

In an ideal world where resources are unlimited and one person's actions don't affect anothers, our preamble would be complete. But in the real world, where only our imaginations are unlimited, it's clear: we must not only extend these rights to every citizen but also keep our most successful Americans from infringing on the unalienable rights of other Americans as a consequence of realizing their own dreams.

This isn't just our understanding of this text. Historically and in service to these ideals previous generations of American patriots have:

  • ended slavery,
  • extended the rights to participate in our democracy to women & minorities,
  • established and enforced monopoly laws,
  • instituted & championed civil rights,
  • created a social safety net for our vulnerable citizens,
  • supported unionization and the rights of workers to organize (giving rise to the great 20th century American middle class!)

If we allow our wealthiest citizens to hoard all the wealth to themselves whereby our children cannot attain to the standard of living we have enjoyed AND if our government is now only responsive to what corporations and big money campaign donors demand, we're no longer living in a functioning democracy. This is in fact where we are RIGHT NOW.

We (the People) MUST fight to fix these things.

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